
Showing posts from February, 2019

Week 2 - Playing around with physics and Raycasting

As a follow-on from the previous week some members of the group decided to develop a small Unity project designed to help us learn a bit more about Physics and physic materials as well as raycasting, including just using Unity to get used to it's basic features. This led to the idea of a miniature version of a first-person shooter, with a basic plane in which a person is able to build things and blow things up. This chosen idea would allow the group to have a toy around with basic movement within a 3d space and how movement is applied when things like friction, gravity and mass are taken into account. A key aspect of a first-person shooter is that the camera should always stay focussed on where the mouse is pointed. This was accomplished by first changing the camera position to be pointed to where the mouse currently resides within the screen window, then hiding the mouse. This is shown here: The first attempt at movement consisted of taking the Horizontal and Vertical val

Week 1 - Basic GameObject Interaction

Week 1 Developer blog: The task for the team was as follows - Since nobody within the team had worked with Unity before, we each agreed to start with some basic tutorials so that we could learn to navigate the many panes and features of Unity, and learn the basics of the topics listed above. Once all of the Workshop 1 tutorials had been followed, we moved on to YouTube tutorials of the basics of making 3D games in unity. One tutorial in particular led to an idea that could fulfill the criteria of Exercise 1 - The "build your own spaceship" tutorial starts out with a single cube prefab that can be clicked on to add another cube on the side that was clicked. At this point we figured that we could make a game from that simple concept, where a ball could bounce on top of the cube and move in a random direction, if the ball falls off of the cube then the player loses. With the use of t